The heavy gray sky shook with the DJ. We’ve got a whole other rant) from someone who had gotten sick of most of the teaser commercials.) Part of it yet or anything).

Also, during scifi’s showing of The Fifth Element (a movie I like lazy days.

Saturday was Fathers’ Day. My Dad got bluegrass CDs and ripping the MP3s on and off for no less beautiful and very well in this day as a scam. This presentation did very well without much success.

Is <> really equivalent to <>? Should URI->new->canonical(‘’) compress the slashes?

Dear Log,

I have been specified jointly.

I’ve spent most of soda bottles suddenly fell off the walls, smoke and no complaints about ID3v2 tags and lots of heat but no transparency since PDFLib doesn’t support a random Perl tip that you can hardcopy your cellphone’s pictures onto sticker-paper

It was, what, four decades ago that the people in to this resolution and to Vee for looking after the holidays. Sold Nutshell and Cookbook together for Mac::Glue to work on Boxing Day. I got a new editorial review of a headphone ,or a mic. That’s fine for searching. My friends are: ziggy, jdavidb, davorg, acme, Simon Winstow, Stas and others. We declared it the globally distributed and synchonized archive of perlybits? Is it 1.1? 1.01? 1.0001? There is indeed alive and well worth the time I saw a neat book at Barnes & Noble :-) would come up with. For a long while. I was reading the posts, I’m thinking is:

  • input
  • data
  • add template burners to pipeline
  • call $burner->process() on each one
  • output results

I’m not well. Bedtime, I thinks.

There was a real problem because cron is to show it in one until OS X). GetURL($url) will open.

(Brought to you by jjohn’s MarkovBlogger (™): If it makes sense, it’s not MarkovBlogger (™).)

[Original post and comments.]